Football Vario

Amusement attraction , which is designed for children and adults . Inflatable football field is filled with water to the ankles and is made difficult by running down the field . Dimensions attractions are 12 meters x 6 meters if continuous operation is needed electricity 220V .

The second option is a table soccer in an enlarged edition . The players are addicted to the aluminum tubes , the game mimics the classic table soccer . Each player may move around a tube which is captured belt with Velcro. Football can simultaneously play 12- player.


Attractions: water football vario : wet version : players move freely in water

                Liquid Version / players are mounted on poles as figures in table football /

Applicability : all year round : Summer - outdoors , winter - in the lobby , gym

nature of the event : events , festivals , Village , Family days, party , Children's Day

space requirements : 12 meters x 6 meters

need for power . Power : continuous power supply . power 220V - Vintage housing socket, 2kW

water in case of wet version provides customer

healthiness : harmless , EN 14960

age group : 3 to 100 years

simultaneous attraction to persons 12 players

List Price: on request